Creativity & Grit: 5 Steps To Create Momentum in Your Projects

What’s Stopping You?

Kate Maria Pennell
The Startup


Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash

Take flight — write, paint, shout ‘Action’, light your blow torch. Step forward in faith, and create!

It sounds very grand.

The reality is more Steven Pressfield style, “Sit down and do your work” (from The War of Art.)

There is very rarely a fanfare.

Just the sound of the creative mental motor and the quiet tapping of the keyboard or the scratching of tools.

If it’s so simple, why don’t we do it? What is stopping us?

“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” — Thomas Edison

Edison got it. He understood that creating is synonymous with working on something.

We can tell ourselves that we just need to be more disciplined, more determined, have more willpower and stop procrastinating!


(Note to self: this kind of pep talk leaves me feeling lacking, useless and demoralized. I think I’ll just go game instead)

A more productive and self-empowering way to move forward is to face the core of the issues:



Kate Maria Pennell
The Startup

Writer. Teacher. Creative. Coach. I’m a catalyst for those I meet & work with; Create Smarter Not Harder at