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Crossing a Minefield of Fake Beauty Product Reviews

Reviews are a decisive variable in online cosmetics purchases, and companies are playing dirty. How can you cut through fake reviews?

Edie Meade
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJan 14, 2020


Customer reviews make or break purchasing decisions all the time, and the power of customer testimonials is only rising as more purchases are made online.

The beauty industry, long driven by the power of celebrity brand ambassadors and word-of-mouth endorsements, has become a battlefield for customer reviews.

How do you know if you’re being manipulated by fraudulent reviews into buying something sub-par or even detrimental to your health?

Here, I outline how and why it happens, and link a few tools to help customers detect and report fake reviews.

Customer reviews are decisive to online purchasing.

How influential are reviews? Most marketing surveys find anywhere from 93 to 97 percent of online shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase.

Because of the impact that online reviews can have to the bottom lines of businesses, there have been unsavory attempts to rig the system over the past few years.



Edie Meade
The Startup

A compassionate and opinionated human being. | Fiction author and visual artist in Central Appalachia. | Give my newsletter a try: