Cryptocurrency and the Long History of Movements

Arpit Toshniwal
The Startup
Published in
6 min readNov 5, 2018
What is it that you see?

(cc: Konsultek)

Behind every genuine apprehension, lies a way to compensate for its fulsome.” -The Mocking Truth

As per the dual architecture of the world, we never fail to astonish ourselves with the fact that every great initiative, ferments a way to discredit the feat.

From the invention of nuclear devices to natural borders that help avert the disputes, every term that was ever coined has its equally gratifying antonym.

The same goes for the internet.

Defining the hierarchy and architecture of the internet would be to colonize the internet, that initially paved the way for a free political dissent and bifocal look at the aspects. However, we did that anyhow.

Whatever you speak, think or type has long been subjected to a great deal of scrutiny, and some voices that fail to justify their motives for certain actions, fall prey to the likes of FBI, NSA and sometimes, the bad people of the internet.

Big Brother is not just one.

(cc: TheDailyBlog)

That and a million other imposters, who, as some would say, are ideal candidates to run for the presidents.

Tracking every single activity on the Internet is an overwhelming task, which, any government funded agency would happily undertake.

However, there is a major catch i.e. Is it all justified?

No, a handsome percentage of it will never be.

So, what will be the purpose of filing a petition when your own government is going to grip you by the hooks and throw you off among the sharks, that have teeth of greed and eyes that boast of loathful desires?

The crescent moon that enlightens the whole universe will be reinstated to its former glory only when we start abiding by the laws of nature, instead of those petite self-righteous organizations and abhorrent rules that don’t even deserve talking about.

The dark side of the Internet will definitely play a pivotal role to help us get there.

“Where the mind is without fear, and hope is without fabrication. The arrival of such a timeline will mark the beginning of the end, the end that scrupulous gluttony of everything had put forward in motion a long while back.”

It goes without saying that the dark world is not just about child pornography, cruel novelties, radicalized mercenaries or prevailing tribalism in the guise of anti-tribalism, it is, in its full glory, an incessant channel to explore freedom of speech, expression, and uncensored values.

Liberals who discard conservative beliefs are not liberals.

(cc: The Mercury)

However, the purported propaganda of governments, compels them to snatch back the power from the very same people, who had once relinquished the feeling of their physical or sociological rights due to immoral trauma at the hands of those who once spoke very fondly of the country and its innate values.


The dark Internet, on the other hand, is a disconcerting ray of truth in front of their eyes, one true hope that works against their collaborative hope of ruling, an unabashed channel where everybody can become a champion of free speech and a torch-bearer of pure truth.

But, if we go by the trend of history, then for a window of truth to appear, it has to appear from the veil of ignorance and lies.

It’s only then we can perceive the world as it is, instead of how it is being spoon-fed to us in the state-sponsored television or by the self-proclaimed heroes of the true essence of journalism.

The only thing a common man can do is distance himself from the common truth appreciated by all, and common lie denounced by everyone.

The list of movements associated with cryptocurrency and the dark world is endless, however, if we start scanning them one-by-one then the ratio comes out to be disturbingly close to 50–50, where some have used it to as a leverage for personal gains and some as a responsible citizen doing their honest bit for the common good of everyone.

If we focus on just the latter then, from Edward Snowden to Hamza Bendelladj, everyone who has ever been silenced, inspire a Million others to give up their meticulous ways of functioning and follow the one true path that leads to the holistic development of one and all.

(cc: ArtAttackk)

Like the invention of the dark web, this article also has its obtuse lackings as well, such as:

  • There is not a single mention of how FBI stopped terrorist attacks by intercepting a convo between ‘peaceful’ parties exchanging smiles and their vision for a better world.
  • Or the time when Silicon road and plenty of child pornographic sites were taken down by the state-sponsored agencies with the external aid of third-party hackers and their bots.

The reason?

You know all about the perils of the darknet and critical double thinking that instigate rebellion, so it’s best if we only see the positive side of it for the day.

Every transaction in the dark web is accompanied by digital currencies like Bitcoins, Litecoins, Ethereum, etc. Hence, people target them as the primary culprits instead of the real sinner.

What’s essential to know is that every resource can become a potential candidate for destruction as it all depends on the way you, of all the people, use it.

Vishal Gupta, a cryptocurrency evangelist, and entrepreneur, when asked about the future of cryptocurrency, says

“We have to abolish the stigma associated with the term cryptocurrency which says that cryptocurrencies will never be able to replace currency as a regular mode of transaction, citing their volatility, security and largely unregulated nature. They are, as I believe them to be our only hope as a voice of dissent in this mad, mad world. So, let us join hands to relish our vision of a free world where thoughts and ideas start flowing freely, again”.

The best way to take it across is to follow the path and lead the way, so as to bring cryptocurrencies in the bright light of today and feel grateful towards the most promising innovation of this century, that has seen the worsening of political situation and human rights violation all around the world.

Does dark deserve to stay in dark?

(cc: ThinkAdvisor)

There are many places from where you can buy cryptocurrency and trade it to relish the decentralization of power such as Binance, BINEX, Bitfinex, Koinex, etc.

Meanwhile, keep supporting the dark world and cryptocurrency, as it’s the only place where you’re going to find sane and uncensored voices of the present day society.

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Arpit Toshniwal
The Startup

I'm a nerd with vagina, which contracts and swells with every informational outburst.