CueTrade: Empowering Traders with Discipline and Analytics

Venkat Kasthala
4 min readJul 21, 2023


In the exciting world of financial markets, many people believe that trading is a sure shot way to make money. But the reality is quite different. Shockingly, about 90% of active traders actually end up losing money. This might be surprising to hear, especially when we see some traders boasting about their consistent and big profits on social media. So, what’s causing so many people to experience losses, even with all the advanced tools and resources at their fingertips, such as financial data, charting tools, research reports, latest news, and software that help in identifying new opportunities? Let’s dive into the reasons behind this discrepancy between perception and reality.

The root cause of this problem is a lack of discipline. A lack of discipline leads to harmful behaviors such as overtrading, impulsive decision-making, repeating the same mistakes, taking excessive risks, breaking trading rules, trading out of fear of missing out, etc. Without a strong commitment to discipline, trading can become similar to gambling and the consequences can be quite serious. In simple terms, if traders don’t have the discipline to follow a well-defined strategy, the odds are stacked against them in the financial markets. However, there’s good news: by embracing discipline and sticking to a plan, traders can improve their chances of achieving consistent and sustainable success in the challenging world of trading.

We all know that making fewer trades can protect our money in the market, but despite this knowledge, many of us find ourselves entering and exiting trades too early. We risk trading without setting a stop-loss despite knowing that is dangerous, even if we do set a stop-loss, we sometimes widen the stop-loss, hoping that the price will bounce back in our favor. Moreover, we know that sticking to one trading method yields better results, but we can’t resist trying out different methods, hoping for that magical formula that guarantees success. It’s frustrating because deep down, we know what the right thing to do is, but actually following through is much harder in this day and age because of ease of trading on mobile devices, the constant flow of news, conflicting opinions on social media, and easy access to margin funds.

To overcome the challenges posed by the lack of discipline, here are some valuable guidelines to follow:

1. Planning: Before the market opens, diligently prepare a personalized daily trading plan. Include your view on the market, current positions, risk exposure, and analysis of potential trade ideas in the trading plan. Developing this plan beforehand allows you to think objectively, without being influenced by price movements during market hours. After the market closes, update your trading plan with notes on whether you followed it, what went well, what didn’t, and the lessons learned.

2. Journaling: Besides recording past trades in detail, consider documenting potential trade ideas as well. This practice forces you to think through potential trades from multiple perspectives (e.g., trade rationale, risk exposure, rule alignment, and historical performance) ahead of time and helps in making better decisions during the market hours. Keeping a trading journal helps you analyze your decisions, learn from mistakes, and improve over time. Also, the fact that you will have to write down any repeated mistakes in your journal at the end of the day makes you think carefully before making decisions.

3. Trading Rules: Unlike traders who work on behalf of the institutions, retail traders are not obligated to adhere to specific rules when placing orders in brokerage systems, as long as they have sufficient funds for the trade. However, it is essential for the retail traders to establish their own trading rules based on their own experiences and the best practices they have learned. These personalized rules serve as invaluable guides, helping traders make well-informed decisions when entering or exiting trades, ensuring that they stay within their self-set boundaries and preventing repetitive mistakes.

4. Review Performance: Analyze your past trading performance through statistics and reports. Identify patterns in your trading behavior, what strategies proved successful, and where you faced challenges. This analysis will provide valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to make continuous improvements on your trading journey.

Remember, becoming a disciplined trader doesn’t happen overnight, nor can any book, course, or software achieve it instantly. One needs to adopt a systematic approach to trading by consistently following certain activities on a daily basis over time to become a disciplined trader. It may not be easy, but discipline is the key to achieving long-term success.

The issue of indiscipline in trading is widespread, leading numerous traders to lose their hard-earned money in the markets. Despite facing losses, many traders keep returning with the hope of recovering their initial capital. In response to this challenge, our team has developed CueTrade, an intuitive trading journal and analytics product designed to enhance traders’ performance by instilling discipline and leveraging the power of data. You can seamlessly incorporate CueTrade into your pre- and post-market routines to efficiently plan, journal, and analyze your trading performance through analytics.

We launched the beta version of CueTrade and are offering free access to all the interested traders. We request active traders in the financial markets to take some time and explore CueTrade, providing us with valuable feedback as we continually strive to enhance the product further.

To begin your CueTrade experience, simply visit and log in using your Gmail credentials. If you have any inquiries about CueTrade or wish to request a demo, feel free to reach us at Take the first step towards disciplined trading with CueTrade!

