Darwin’s Theory on Entrepreneurship is Pure Genius

Greatest Business and Wealth Lessons from Charles Darwin

Devika Malik
The Startup


Illustration by author/ image originally from dribbble.com

The silicon valley is synonymous with the word startup. It is the land of firsts and Evolution. Its impact breaches all borders, and it ends up impacting people from all provinces. Among others, there is one bizarre trend called “pivoting”. Apparently, it’s voguish out there. This institution of thought means that you might have the most horrendous and crap-tastic idea, but with ample endurance and metamorphosis, you shall eventually succeed.

How pivoting works?

Recall your physics class; most of the earth and the human body is carbon, and yet there are those million-dollar diamonds, after all, that is just compressed C. The journey of this element started as a dirty piece of gavel, but someone believed that they could make it into something worth a diamond. Diamonds are a perfect example of genius marketing, perseverance and the saga of rags to riches.

I have full faith in humans capacity to complete and resist all shocks; we have been doing so since the beginning of time; remember when we were dying of fever. Still, we found a way out of it; our body made a mechanism to fight, so why can’t our business and beliefs do the same. (although you might need some Medicine )

