Data Flow in SwiftUI - Getting Started with State and Binding

Learn from scratch how to connect your data in SwiftUI

Finsi Ennes
The Startup


Data management is one of the most important and complex tasks when developing an app. This involves several processes from the data modeling to the app production. But don’t worry, as we will see, SwiftUI ensures a smooth and data-driven experience during this phases.

In this article, we will learn about the Data basics in SwiftUI. Starting from scratch we are going to get strong knowledge on:

  • Dealing with a key concept in SwiftUI: the Source of Truth.
  • Using essential tools such as @State and @Binding.
  • Modeling and managing different types of data on a view.
  • Connecting these data between views.

Also to get a better understanding, all theoretical concepts here explained will go with practical examples. In this way, will end up with the following view:

Game view

Moreover, all code is available on my Github repository.

First things first: Data on new views



Finsi Ennes
The Startup

iOS Developer. Passionate about coding and UX design. For more content, you can follow me on Instagram @finsi.code