Dear Employers: Stop Asking Your Black Employees to Create Diversity Initiatives

Placing the onus of creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace on Black employees is insensitive and exploitative.

Rod T. Faulkner
The Startup


“You did not create the racist and biased culture of this company, but you are now responsible for correcting it. Chop. Chop. Get to work!”

Black folk have been catching HELL from all sides in this country since day one.

But 2020 seems to have unlocked a 10th infernal circle from the director’s cut of Dante’s Inferno.

Despite the public outcry and outrage of the Black community, this country continues to affirm it only considers the lives of white people and the property they own as valuable.

The gross injustice of our so-called justice system failing to indict the police officers who murdered Breonna Taylor — who committed the crime of being Black while sleeping in her own bed — is just the latest collective slap in the face to the Black community.

During the conflagration that was the summer of 2020, so many white and non-Black citizens expressed their shock and disbelief at the horrific…



Rod T. Faulkner
The Startup

Proud Blerd. I write about sci-fi, fantasy, and other areas of interest. Founder of EYE ON SCI-FI Podcast. Chocolate lover.