Dear Reader,

Christian Sotero
4 min readJun 16, 2020


My friend Jewell helped me write this letter taking my recommendation. I hope you enjoy it. We worked hard to make it as informative as possible which is the sole intent of it. To gain an understanding of today’s world and impact in less than 500 words.

Let me start by saying that the year 2020 is a lot.

It will go down in history. What perplexes me is the way that history tends to repeat itself. Shouldn’t we be learning from our mistakes? Is it just that we get too comfortable each time our world suffers something terrible and build back up? It ends up happening all over again.

If we trace the last six months of this year, we were celebrating the start of a new year and creating new resolutions. Everyone was very excited to start a new decade, filled with hopes and aspirations.

But a lot can happen in 6 months.. And now we find ourselves staying home, avoiding the dangers and risks of a worldwide pandemic called COVID-19.

Let me backtrack a little bit.

In the spring of 2019, Australia began suffering from some of the worst bushfires it has seen to date. Wildfires are nothing new, but with extreme drought and winds heightening this disaster, 72,000 square miles were destroyed, and over a billion animals died as a result. Thirty-four citizens killed as well.

In America, many influencers were trying to raise money to give resources to these fires. Some were even willing to sell lucrative photos of themselves to raise money and awareness.

What a crazy time!

Don’t go anywhere yet…It gets better

As for COVID-19. It seemed to come out of nowhere. At least the United States government made it look that way after avoiding recommendations from China and other countries that were forced to shut down due to the rising death toll. Our president, Donald Trump, seemed to think the United States was invincible. As the virus is spreading, you can’t go anywhere without seeing people wearing masks to protect themselves and those they love.

Maybe that was supposed to happen.

Is the world headed for a revolution of some kind? Is it time to settle down and stay home? To find those hobbies you’ve been wanting to for so long, but never had the time? Or maybe it was supposed to happen for a mental health rest. Whatever the reason, the pandemic is still going on to this date. And it is causing people to truly appreciate their loved ones and understand that time is limited. Maybe we were just moving so fast that the world needed a break. We hear from the news and media that during our stay-at-home order, the Earth appears to be healing. What I’d like to call, the light at the end of the tunnel.

And then…

On May 25, 2020, a black man, named George Floyd, was killed by an officer while taking his last breath with the officer’s knee on his kneck. The autopsy report shows his cause of death was asphyxiation with associated cardiopulmonary arrest.

What makes matters worse is that Mr. Floyd told the officer that he could not breathe — A death that should have been avoided. Within a couple of hours, every human being in America knew about it too. Communication is always critical during change, but the way we have been communicating with one another is questionable.

Final words

You see, almost every city in America has or will undergo a violent riot and protest against the injustice to an innocent man. Everyone wants something to be done about the incident. Shots are fired each night. People are dying, getting injured, and if you’re not hearing an ambulance at least once a day, then you’re not on Earth. Businesses are blocking their doors, windows, and protecting their employees. My job is sending me home early every night to avoid any possible risk. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel when I don’t know what’s going to happen on my block while I’m asleep. Change is essential.

This race war needs to end.

America would not be America if it weren’t for its melting pot of all ethnicities and cultures. There are still six more months left of the infamous 2020. We all started with hopes of another “roaring ’20s,” It seems that we got what we wished for, just in a different way. Roaring protests instead of parties. Police brutality instead of bootlegging.

If everyone in the world would only do something about this

There is one thing that is always still the same throughout history; America’s sheer resilience and the hope of our people. I have faith that the next six months will bring growth, change, comfort, and, most importantly, safety. We may have taken way too many steps back, but it’s time to move forward and stop this hatred. It’s time to stand together. I stand with you: every one of you reading this.


Christian Sotero and Jewell Halsted

P.S. This was written by both myself Christian Sotero and Jewell Halsted



Christian Sotero

Billingual banker and passionate about living intentionally in a very busy world