Computer Vision/ Deep Learning/ Medical Imaging

Deep Learning in Histopathology (Part I)

A literature review

Nishant Mishra
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2020


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Histopathology is the study of diseases of tissues that involves the examination of microscopic slides consisting of tissues, cells, etc, that has been extensively used for the diagnosis of various forms of cancer. Histopathologists are medical experts who analyze cells or tissues under the microscope to make a diagnosis in order to come to a consensus regarding nature, the severity of diseases, and plan of action with regards to patient care.
With the advent of advanced equipment such as specialized scanning machines, strides in storage/cloud capabilities, it has now become quite easy to store Microscopic glass slides in the form of Digital slides on a computer for processing them. It has enabled remote diagnosis, faster analysis, and systematic and safe storage of pathology information. Recent events such as the global pandemic have shown us the importance of automating medical activities such as diagnostics. Not only will it help improve the accuracy and capacity, removing a lot of redundancy, but it will ensure less exposure for the Doctors and diagnosticians on the frontline.

Due to the rising applicability, scalability, and success of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning…

