Defeat Writer’s Block By Having a Content Calendar

And Streamline Your Team’s Content Marketing Strategy…

Jenn Pereira
The Startup


Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

Most of us undeniably had experienced writer’s block. You spend hours trying to roll things out but there aren’t any ideas coming. You’re just staring at the blank page or maybe written a few lines already but don’t even make sense.

This happened to me a lot of times before, and the best way I conquered this common issue is by creating a content calendar or editorial calendar.

As an SEO writer, content marketing is a huge part of my work and it is not always easy. Apart from the actual content, there are a lot of struggles involved in the whole process of creating and marketing the content. One predicament is not knowing which type of content would work with the audience. Another is not being sure when is the best time to post the content. Same goes with bloggers and authors.

There are so many things to do, and when you are not prepared, this can cause mind fatigue. That’s probably the main reason why we are experiencing writer’s block (aside from being inexperienced about the topic of course).

Why Start a Content Calendar Now

A content calendar is simply a means to keep everything organized in your content strategy…



Jenn Pereira
The Startup

Loves to travel & innovate awesome stuffs like Websites. Web Design is my Profession but I love SEO & Marketing. Photography is my passion.