Delivering Constructive Feedback

Rushabh Doshi
The Startup
Published in
7 min readDec 15, 2019


The Feedback Series: 1/3

This is the first of 3 notes on Feedback. I hope you enjoy the series. Feedback (haha) welcome.

Everyone screws up, everyone makes mistakes. When we err, hopefully, someone pulls us aside and tells us about our blunder. Feedback, when delivered on time and in a constructive manner, is critical to learning and growth. Three things that have made my feedback stick: 1 provide it as quickly as possible, 2. be firm and kind, and 3. suggest how you would have acted in that situation.

1. Timing Is Everything

Bill is a promising PM on the team. He has excellent product insight and can execute projects well. However, he struggles with selling his ideas to the Bigwigs. Good ideas get rejected, and people leave the room in confusion.

During his annual performance review, Bill gets feedback from his manager Amy: “Bill should work on his communication skills. In particular, he can do a better job selling his ideas to executive leadership.”

Feedback? ✅

Helpful? 👎🏽

The effectiveness of feedback decays rapidly over time. If you want the feedback to stick, deliver it while it is still fresh in everyone’s minds. Don’t wait for the annual review or that perfect opportunity. Don’t even wait for the next 1–1. Give feedback immediately while the events are fresh in everyone’s minds.



Rushabh Doshi
The Startup

CPO at PM, Engineer, Advisor, Investor, Dad. Ex-Facebook, YouTube.