Deploy an Independent Blog Using Gatsby.Js, Ghost, and AWS Amplify

Creating a Blog From Scratch Has Never Been So Easy

Ryan James
The Startup


Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

Are you looking to take your blogging to the next level? Learn very quickly how to create a custom blog site using the best tools and technologies the community has to offer.

Gatsby allows you to create excellent static UI’s using React, Ghost will enable you to create your content in a user-friendly way, and AWS Amplify makes deploying this all very easy.

This article is an all-in-one, straight-to-the-point tutorial with no unnecessary clutter. Also, it won’t cost you a penny (depending on how you choose to host).

I will first create a Dev environment setup (offline) for those looking for a quick Proof of Concept; then, I will show you how to do it in production as well.


Deploy a blog using Gatsby as a static site generator and Ghost as a blogging service to AWS Amplify

This tutorial has five sections:



Ryan James
The Startup

Director of Engineering @ Startup. Giving back to the dev community one article at a time! Need a website?