Deploy Kubernetes and a Restful API on AWS in Just 20 Minutes

In the time it takes to brew some fresh coffee, you will have a Kubernetes cluster and a simple Todo API, up and running.

Dimitris Traskas
The Startup


Just a few years back, setting up Kubernetes clusters and deploying Microservices and APIs used to take an awful lot of time. Initially there were no managed Kubernetes clusters and everyone had to roll up their sleeves and set up something from scratch. The introduction of managed clusters by AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure was a game-changer, and made Kubernetes much more accessible.

What I will try and demonstrate here, is how much faster it has become to provision Kubernetes and APIs these days. You still need to have of course in-depth knowledge and understand what you are doing. You still need to have decent skills with the command line and experience with a variety of languages and AWS. But tools have improved and something that used to take hours can now take a few minutes.

In the next few sections, I will share with you the necessary tools and a step by step guide to provision a Kubernetes cluster, deploy a simple Todo API written in Python and expose it via an AWS Elastic Load Balancer. This entire process usually takes me around 20 minutes, enough time to go and get some fresh…

