Deploying Mancala with Minikube — A beginners guide

João Esperancinha
The Startup
Published in
18 min readMar 11, 2020


1. Introduction

According to Ultraboard Games the mancala game has existed for about 7000 years. This means that since the middle neolithic phase of History, mankind has been playing this game. The first time I came across this game was when my grandmother had a game which she would call The Stones Game. Later in life, when I came across some colleagues who invited me to play boardgames at ISEL, I realized that this “Stones game” was actually called Mancala. Back in the day I made a version of this game in C. Unfortunately that version is long gone. Too much time has passed and at the speed technology goes, I became more interested in other languages like Scala, Kotlin and of course Java. 💻

Since 2005 I could never find that game again. Back 2015, I got the motivation to create Mancala again using Java, OOP design patterns, application of ACID principles and all the rules invented by Robert Martin (a.k.a. Uncle bob) to create Clean Code. These are also many times referred to as SOLID principles. This motivation came out because I was looking for an opportunity to work on an amazing project with different technologies. In the end I met some amazing colleagues from Eastern Europe which during coffee brough that Mancala subject up. I took a deep dive through the memory lane during my university years and I thought. “Why…



João Esperancinha
The Startup

Kotlin, OCP JSE 11, OCP JSE 8, OCP JEE 7, VMA Spring Professional #java #kotlin #scala #jvm #kafka #flux #reactive #spring #springmvc #springwebflux #coroutines