Deriving the Black-Scholes Model

Quantitative Finance Derivative Securities Pricing

Roman Paolucci
The Startup


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Pricing Financial Derivatives

The majority of time in undergraduate quantitative finance coursework is spent in developing intuition and understanding for securities pricing models. In this article, I am going to summarize what I have learned across several courses on derivatives pricing, primarily the logic and mathematics behind the Black-Scholes model.

Risk-Neutral Pricing

The essence of pricing derivatives lies in risk-neutrality. Theoretically, the goal is to construct a temporary risk-less hedged portfolio, and by our no-arbitrage assumption, create a pricing model by setting the portfolio return to U.S. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds (an appropriate risk-free return proxy) instead of unknown market expectations.

Brownian Motion

Brownian motion is a continuous-time random variable where future outcomes are unpredictable from historic outcomes. Brownian motion is a Martingale and a Markov Process.

Itô’s Lemma

This lemma helps us find the change of a time-dependent function of a stochastic variable, in this case, Brownian motion.



Roman Paolucci
The Startup

Graduate Engineering Student @ Columbia University Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Competitor & Coach