Design for Small Business Owners

The basic guide for non-designers

Tassia O'Callaghan (she/her)
The Startup
Published in
10 min readDec 4, 2019


Image of buildings with text overlay “Design for small business owners”
Image courtesy of @samsonyyc via Unsplash.

Forgive me, for I have sinned.

Seven years ago, I thought Comic Sans was a good font.

It pains me to type that, but it’s true.

Time might have passed, but I still know surprisingly little about design, so it’s time for me to sit down with design extraordinaire, Dean O'Callaghan, to learn the basics.

This guide is for absolute beginners; for those who are running a business and don’t know the first thing about design, but don’t need to know all the details — just the basics so you can create good-looking, effective designs.

Of course, if you want the best designs for your business, it’s generally better to hire a professional — there’s a reason why they study design, and there’s a reason why it can cost so much — you’re paying for their expertise.

That being said, this guide can also help you to brief any designers that you hire so that they can create the best work for you.

First things first: there are many different types of design, but as this is a basic guide, we’ll cover just the big ones that are most necessary for small businesses: brand identity design, graphic design, web design, and packaging design.



Tassia O'Callaghan (she/her)
The Startup

Writer • Marketer • Advocate for equal rights and sustainable living • Feminist • Poet • Triphalangeal thumbs •