Designing Innovative Experiences For A New Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) can allow a user to open new dimensions of experience beyond the familiar screen-based experiences. It could alter the design thinking we use today as we look into the future potential of this medium.

Himanshu Bharadwaj
The Startup


The shift from a screen to a virtual space is a huge jump for any user to get comfortable within a new medium. While most of the basic heuristics of good 2D UX still make sense, but the methods of applying these heuristic principles change in the new paradigm of VR experiences.

Here are some high-level UX principles to keep in mind before looking into future potential.

Idea first

Firstly as always for every digital experience, start with an idea and expand on it. Do not start with an interface and features. Create a user journey within the idea. This user journey will help define various interactions that will lead to the interface. Define what needs to be automated, and what should be user-controlled.

Design experiences, not interfaces



Himanshu Bharadwaj
The Startup

Product Innovation and Joyful Design Thinking leader, NY. USA.