Developing and Deploying Micro-Frontends With Single-Spa

Tyler Hawkins
The Startup
Published in
18 min readJul 28, 2020


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Micro-frontends are the future of frontend web development. Inspired by microservices, which allow you to break up your backend into smaller pieces, micro-frontends allow you to build, test, and deploy pieces of your frontend app independently of each other. Depending on the micro-frontend framework you choose, you can even have multiple micro-frontend apps — written in React, Angular, Vue, or anything else — coexisting peacefully together in the same larger app!

In this article, we’re going to develop an app composed of micro-frontends using single-spa and deploy it to Heroku. We’ll set up continuous integration using Travis CI. Each CI pipeline will bundle the JavaScript for a micro-frontend app and then upload the resulting build artifacts to AWS S3. Finally, we’ll make an update to one of the micro-frontend apps and see how it can be deployed to production independently of the other micro-frontend apps.

Overview of the Demo App

Demo app — end result
Demo app — end result

Before we discuss the step-by-step instructions, let’s get a quick overview of what makes up the demo app. This app is composed of four sub-apps:

