Digital Minimalism: How to Simplify Your Online Life

Dan Silvestre
The Startup
Published in
9 min readSep 18, 2018


digital minimalism

Our lives have become tech-centric. It’s starting to “own” us. It’s time to seek ways to redesign our relationship with technology. Enter Digital Minimalism.

In 2007, Steve Jobs unveiled the future: the iPhone 3 and, along with it, the App Store. It marked the beginning of the mobile revolution, the era of the apps and streaming.

Not much later, Amazon introduced the Kindle. One of the oldest technology known to man became digital.

And, a year later, Google launched Chrome.

A little over a decade has passed but it seems like a century ago that our phones had a physical keyboard and we texted using SMS.

Ten years later we are addicted to technology. We crave for it. Here are alarming numbers from research:

  • Total digital media usage is up 40% since 2013
  • Smartphone usage has doubled in the last 3 years
  • 1 of every 2 minutes spent online is on “leisure activities”, such as social media, video viewing, entertainment/music, and games
  • 1 of every 5 minutes spent online is on social media
  • The average person spends almost 3 hours per day on mobile



Dan Silvestre
The Startup

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