Digital Minimalism Will Make Your Life Better

How to Marie Kondo your digital life

Steven Ma
The Startup


Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

In the same way that physical clutter can negatively impact your life, digital clutter can do the same thing unless you remove it.

Our digital lives have changed drastically over the past 20 years. Having a digital camera, an email address and a home computer were all novelties. Now smartphones, multiple email addresses and social profiles, and laptops are the staple of our lives.

As we get more devices and features, the digital “stuff” we acquire grows, but we don’t notice it because it’s all contained within a device.

When we talk about digital minimalism, there are a lot of different opinions on it, and even ideas about what exactly it means. I’m not talking about limiting internet use or the number of devices you own — that’s all part of it. The aspect of digital minimalism I’ll talk about is all the media, files, and apps we’ve accumulated — the digital clutter packed in our phones and computers.

What is Digital Clutter, and what’s wrong with it?

Digital clutter is the hoarding of digital files and the lack of organization. It’s dozens of files spread across your computer desktop screen. It’s tons of bad blurry photos that you have to scroll…

