Digital Twin, The New Norm

What You Know About Digital Twin and What You Don’t Know About Digital Twin.

Farwin Zackeriya
The Startup


Imagine seeing an exact digital version of you, where you can run a series of scans and diagnoses externally without implicating your physical body with pieces of medical equipment. As many people are still nervous about injections and providing blood samplings, creating a digital version to go through all sorts of examinations on behalf of you, sounds very comforting. Yes, the digital twin is a neophyte to the technological world.

With tons of data processed by interconnected IoT (Internet of Things) powered the cloud, advanced in augmented reality (AR), extended reality (XR), virtual reality (VR) along with artificial intelligence (AI) provide an extensive digital platform to apply data insights to generate digitally advanced operations. On the other hand, the digital twin offers practical solutions to resolve obstacles occurring in the real assets with virtual detection. Nevertheless, the constant demand for intelligent infrastructure in creating smart systems, adaptation to the digital world is an undeniable fact.

Now, What’s Exactly Digital Twin?

The term digital twin was originally introduced by Dr. Michael Grieves in 2002. The idea of creating a digital version of the real things, products, and services, with an online connection between the two versions is called a digital twin. Further, digital twins allow continuous digital…



Farwin Zackeriya
The Startup

SEO Specialist| Web Developer| Machine learning and big data enthusiastic|Passionate about entrepreneurship|Bookworm