Disruption is so Passé, Try Unification.

Varsha Krishnani
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2019

The next person who says s/he’s going to “disrupt” something, is going to receive a verbal slap from me. At least in my head, as I am still on a visa that enables me to enjoy the first world privileges and I avoid conflict generally. Besides, I must be graceful, because there’s no better way I know of.

I was astonished to discover that there’s even an $18,500.00 course on Disruption. I mean, come on! The word ‘disruption’ in itself is so dividing, that anything that vouches for it, demonstrates the lack of its core sensibility of cohesion and unity, of society and peace.

When someone says they are going to “disrupt” something, ask them whether they have ways to unify what they are disrupting instead. Since this spoilt start-up boom, people have been fanning the idea of disrupting as something fashionable, reward worthy and heroic.

It could make sense when you are promoting evolution and invention of the new. However, a stagnancy of noteworthy digital evolution after the era of social media, and other internet -led mediums has led people to evolve the same thing over and over again. Just in minorly tweaked different ways and aiming to title it “disruption” by bashing the competition and creating a monopoly. That has been the aim at least, sadly, for most.

Let’s redefine disruption-in-invention today.

A disruption-in-invention is something that can evoke progressive change by ensuring the benefit of all stakeholders involved in a way that is breakthrough in thought, structure and impact, that “disrupts” the usual norm in a cost-effective, innovative and peaceful way for the benefit of all.

Not something that kills one market for the benefit of the other. Disruption is not about creating mammoths in industries that weaken all others.

True disruption-in-invention is an empathy-driven unification of all involved mediums, orchestrated together towards the collective benefit that encourages responsible, sustainable and evolutionary growth across sectors, systems and society at large.

If you are a thinker, creator, inventor, maker and take the responsibility of bringing to life something that has been in your mind, I urge you to think of disruption-in-invention as a way of thinking-of-unification because anything that holds together than divides, has a more solid foundation and history and an overall impact on the world. A progressive, positive impact.

What impact would you want to have with your thought on the world?

Will you disrupt or bind together?

Think. And don’t forget to act.

Varsha Krishnani

Fuerte Ventura, Spain



Varsha Krishnani
The Startup

I write about sociocultural issues and ways we can make this world a better place through innovation of the self and society.