Do Hackers Need to Handle Your Phone Physically in Order to Hack It?

The Startup
Published in
7 min readJul 22, 2020


With the advancement of technology and information system, hackers are now able to hack even some sophisticated devices. Most often we hear about web hack cases. However, it’s very rarely heard mobile phones being hacked or hijacked.

So, does this mean our phone is not hackable? When we think about it for a while, it’s not surprising to think that, “Maybe it is not hackable as phones are private devices that only remain with us and hackers need to access our phone physically in order to hack it. And, even if they get our phone, it is secured with some sort of PIN so maybe I am safe.”

This is where we go wrong! Hackers can still hack your phone even without gaining any physical access.

The phone might physically be in your hand but, logically in the hand of an attacker makes more sense.

Ways hacker can get into your device

1. SurfingAttack

It is an interactive hidden attack on Voice Assistants Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves.

