Do Last-Minute Projects Cause You Too Much Stress?

There’s a Simple Solution Most People Never Try

Darryl Brooks
The Startup


We’ve all been there. The project is due at the end of the day, and you are hurrying to get it done on time. You came in early to get started and skipped lunch. Now, the end of the day is fast approaching, and you’re still not finished. I can tell you two facts about this situation, having gone through it many times.

  • It is very stressful.
  • It is almost always avoidable.

Note, I said almost. There will be times that you are hustling to complete a last-minute project because it got dumped on you at the last minute.

But this should be the exception, not the rule.

If this happens continuously, you have a lousy manager, and you need to do everything in your power to change them. Either change their behavior or change jobs. Their lack of management skills should not endanger your sanity or well-being. I used to work with a person like this. On business trips, she prided herself in arriving at the departure gate just as they were closing the door.

There are people out there who love to start fires so that they can be seen putting them out. Or not. They will eventually crash and burn and take anyone they can with them. Or let you crash…



Darryl Brooks
The Startup

Photographer & Writer-I shoot what I see-I write what I feel. Top writer in Photography, Art, Creativity, Productivity, Self Improvement, Business, Life Lessons