Do New Writers Need to Publish 1 Article a Day to Make Money?

Writing questions for new Medium writers

Lana Graham
The Startup


Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Medium for two and a half months now, which means I’m still a new writer learning the ropes.

I’m pleasantly surprised that some of my articles were not only accepted into major Medium publications but also curated by Medium.

Both the major publications and curation helped to build my readership. It’s also provided me with my first paycheck for writing.

You can read about that journey here.

However, I don’t have a huge fan base like established writers on Medium. My email list has two subscribers (and I’m one of them).

This brought about the question:

Do new writers on Medium need to publish one (or more) articles per day to make money?

I did a bit of research and found there are many factors involved to answer this question, so I compiled a few of them into a simple summary:

Factor 1: Quality

If you can’t write well it’s going to be hard to get your articles published and curated, whether you write one article a day or one article a month.

