Do These Six Things to Start Thinking Like a Boss
Thinking like an employee is costing you time, money, and freedom
Traditional employment conditions us to be dependent.
When you work for other people, they take care of you. Your paycheck goes into your account and has already been taxed, your 401K has increased, and your company has even covered life insurance. That nice HR person reminds you of the deadline for open enrollment. The corporate attorney handles that cease and desist order. Your manager sets your goals and “develops” you to reach them.
They also control what you do, how you do it, and what you’re worth. You must be at a certain place at a certain time. Even if you don’t, you still need to put in a certain number of hours or complete a certain number of deliverables to get your paycheck. And your paycheck gives you what they decide is “fair” compensation for your contributions to the overall product or service.
This learned dependence often means that when people start working for themselves, they don’t fully know how to use their newfound freedom or manage the myriad responsibilities associated with running a business. It is a fundamental mindset shift to start taking care of yourself AND break free of the social conditioning that dictates the connections between time and…