Do What You’re Not Doing

Finding the elusive creative beast, the counterintuitive way

Beth Louise
The Startup


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Creative flow is an elusive beast. Whenever I stumble upon it, I try to pause, look around, and take note of where I found it, so I can hunt it down again.

One Sunday morning, a few weeks ago, I suddenly felt incredibly inspired, and open to sharing my writing. I realised that a few things had clicked in my mind that week, contributing to the shift. These are the things that I was thinking about pre-creative brainwave;

Do what you’re not doing

Often we fall into a pattern of creating and sharing that feels safe and natural, and it feels that way because we’re subconsciously copying artists that we admire, and we’re firmly in our comfort zone. Authentic creativity is in that other space we rarely enter. The one that’s unique to all of us, but feels a bit foreign.

Your brain is stopping you because it’s dark over that side and it feels weird if you break away from the herd. If you can, go there, turn on the light, and write about what you see. It might be just the element that you’ve been searching for. When you can tap into that more honest voice, the outcome is different.

Flip the switch



Beth Louise
The Startup

Adventures of a metaphysical girl in a material world. Instagram @21xseven