Do you feel like giving up? Read this first.

Lindy Pegler
The Startup
Published in
10 min readJul 17, 2019


Are you thinking about quitting something important in your life? Reading this might help you make the right decision.

Are you on the verge of giving something up? It may be a project you are working on — something you are pushing yourself towards and working hard for, but things just aren’t working out as you had imagined. It may be exercising, losing weight, studying or just helping someone out. Maybe it is a hobby you are undertaking. Maybe it is your job. But you have had enough. You just feel like quitting.

Everyone experiences ups and downs in their motivation, no matter what they are trying to achieve. But sometimes you can be really low on motivation and you question whether you should keep on going. What makes the difference in reaching your goals is whether you can push on, even though you might feel like quitting.

Before you take that final step of quitting something significant, consider the following questions.

1. Why did you start in the first place?

There is a much used quote: ‘When you feel like quitting think about why you started.’ (Author unknown). It is important to think about why you started your venture and whether the reasons still hold true. Or has something changed? Do you still have the same needs? Is it just as important to keep on going…



Lindy Pegler
The Startup

A high school teacher for years, I have Masters Degree in Psychology. My heart is the bush and the beach. I love writing and sharing my ideas on doing life.