Do You Want to Learn How to Automate Your Data Analysis?

1000x Faster is Now Available!

Peter Grant
The Startup


The cover of 1000x Faster

Before diving in, I want to make sure I’m being fully straightforward with you. This article is shameless self-promotion. I’ve recently published my book, 1000x Faster: How to Automate Laboratory Data Analysis with Python, and I think you might want to know how it can help your life. If you do, excellent. If you don’t, there’s no need to read on.

What’s the inspiration behind 1000x Faster?

To be honest, I don’t like doing data analysis. You sit at a computer, you open a spreadsheet, you type some calculations and maybe generate some plots, then you move on to the next spreadsheet to do it again. I like answering the questions that are being explored in data, but find the physical act of analyzing the data to be tedious, monotonous, boring. I often wish I was doing something more interesting. Maybe interpreting the data after the analysis, communicating the results with clients, or proposing the next project.

And I suspect that I’m not alone in that. I suspect that you feel the same way.

That’s what inspired me to write 1000x Faster: How to Automate Laboratory Data Analysis with Python. I figured out how to write Python scripts that perform my data analysis for me, and…



Peter Grant
The Startup

Water heating team leader at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Manages teams of 15+ people on multi-million dollar projects developing novel technologies.