Do You Want To Master Your Life? Read This.

Raul Ballesteros
The Startup
Published in
5 min readMar 2, 2018
Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

It’s no secret that the path to your success is determined by your daily habits & the decisions that you make moment to moment.

When we have a weak understanding about ourselves, it’s difficult to identify what our life purpose is which stems to feeling unsure of what the future holds.

By setting up goals for ourselves we begin to lay out a blueprint that can guide us to our triumph. Having goals for yourself will be a game changer and it’s a fundamental component in making significant progress in your life.

1. Self Awareness

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.“-Aristotle

The keystone characteristic to keeping laser like focus on your goals is having a strong understanding of yourself. Through self-evaluation we can identify why we don’t follow through with our goals. This can help us develop healthier habits which will allow for us to be more productive.

By enhancing our self-awareness it becomes easier for us to identify our strengths & weaknesses. This is crucial because it’s a tactic that helps us identify what we need to improve or change.

Having a strong self-awareness is correlated as being a strong predictor in the success of many of the worlds most inspiring individuals. You must become consciously aware your negative thoughts, behaviors and emotions.

We must realize that it’s our choice to live in a negative state of mind.

We’ve all been given the gift of choice, which is our ultimate power. At any moment, you have the ability to make the decision to feel a different emotion and focus on different thoughts. Many of us feel as if the world is against us but it’s actually just our perception of how we think the world views us.

Self-awareness can lead us to finding out what brings us the most joy & leads us to achieving mastery in our lives. Always follow the calling of your heart as it knows what your purpose is.

We can cultivate the life we desire by comprehending our true wants and needs.

2. Write Down Your Goals

The most strategic way to make progress in your life is by writing your goals down in a journal and identifying where you’re spending most of your time.

There is a magic behind physically seeing your goals and ideas down on paper. This can help you examine the areas of your life which need more of your attention.

One of the key pillars to success is having a clear intention about where you want to go and a plan to get yourself there. Setting goals helps us have a clearer intention on our passions and creates the framework for our success.

Think about your goals as the road map to your greatness. You should have goals for your health, career, finances etc. To achieve mastery in our life we must have a map that can guide us there when we begin to fall off track.

This self-disicpline will help you attain your goals much faster and will greatly increase your overall productivity. I try to write down at least 3 goals to accomplish by the end of the day.

Today, my goals were work on my article, read for an hour, and exercise.

Don’t over think it because a little organization can go a long way. By simply writing these goals down I’ve been able to see a significant increase in my productivity and my procrastination is progressively diminishing. I’m constantly developing my self-discipline by setting my intentions for each day.

This gives me the awareness I need to follow through with my goals and reminds me of what I’m working towards. With passion and diligence you get 1% better each day. Laying one brick at a time until you have a kingdom.

At the end of the day look over your goals. If you didn’t finish your goals be honest with yourself and reflect on what you could of done differently. There will be days that life can prevent us from completing our goals for the day but that shouldn’t happen very often.

Keep pushing towards your goals and even when you fail, fail forward. You can always learn from your last mistake. Don’t be so hard on yourself because nobody is perfect. You will grow from your failures. It will lead you to your ultimate success.

3. Prioritize Your Time

The # 1 way to keep focused on your goals is by scheduling out time to work on them and be increasingly productive. Once you wake up in the morning, the battle for what or who has your time begins. It’s either our phones, work, friends, family, television etc.

Greatly reduce how much time you spend on Netflix, T.V, or social media. This time can be used to improve on your skills and work on current goals. People who are uber successful understand the value of their time and use it wisely.

Blocking out 1–2 hours a day for self-improvement will bring remarkable growth in your life and it’s the key to squeezing more time out of your day.

Always try to communicate with your friends, family, or anyone you know that will try to get ahold of you. Kindly advise them that you will be busy during this time and to only reach you if absolutely necessary. Do you have what it takes to stay focused?

This reduces the chances of you being distracted and allows you to go all in on your projects. The way we decide to spend our time is our choice. This will determine the quality of your life.


It’s essential that you become better at using your time & minimizing anything that takes away from being productive.

Your time is the most valuable asset that you have & we never get it back. There’s no time to waste once you really put this into perspective.

Spend each day doing things that are bringing you true value & closer to your definition of success. You don’t want to live in regret for not taking a chance.

You are master of your fate and the captain of your soul.

This story is published in The Startup, Medium’s largest entrepreneurship publication followed by 302,074+ people.

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Raul Ballesteros
The Startup

My mission is to help you become the hero of your story. I alchemized my pain into purpose. Connect with me —