Do You Want to Work for this Company?

Companies! Understand the difference between “looking good” and “being good”

Erik P.M. Vermeulen, PhD
The Startup


Photo courtesy of author

Here is my message to all the companies in the world:

Don’t you realize that the world has changed?

I am not talking about new technologies and their impact on your business models and value proposition.

I mean us. Your customers. Your employees. Your investors. We have changed.

We know you play a crucial role in our societies. You innovate. Offer jobs. Build the economy and define the future. We love your products and services, and the new workplace opportunities you provide to us.

But our expectations have changed. We want more from you. Demand more.

Climate change, the pandemic, the calls for anti-racism and justice, greater respect for human rights, and the next generations’ interests. We now expect more from you in tackling these issues as well. You are a crucial part of the solution. And it’s your responsibility.

In the past, you could just manufacture and sell us mass-produced, standardized products, such as shoes, TVs or whatever. Then you had to offer more personalized services, build a platform and offer an integrated ecosystem.

