Do Your Emotions Control You? Rebel Now

How to rebel against our human tendency to be irrational

Nadia Lelutiu
The Startup


Photo by Christian Sterk on Unsplash

I admit, I once had an aversion to the word, “rational.” It would invoke that vomit reflex, and I would think I just puked in my mouth a little bit. “Rational” felt so average, so detached from adventure, so boring. I considered it just a word used by stuffy old people to tame the fire of passionate, risk-taking creatives or to convince the dreamers to pack up and go home. I was not opposed to being rational. I was opposed to having rationality pushed on me when I wanted to fly.

In other words, I would prioritize my feelings and emotions well above my rational mind. I mostly operated through naivete ruled by emotional gusts and wondered why my life was like a hurricane, rather than smooth sailing. After years of throwing my head back and screaming, “Why me?” I am willing to admit defeat.

Letting my emotions lead my life has been my biggest mistake, and just typing that hurt a lot. My dad and I would get into heated disagreements about this. His daughter was a lover of life, a romantic, trusting, yet adventurous soul. She was also driven and rebellious.

My dad tried hard to convince me to stop following my heart, and lead with my head. This obviously made me rebel and cling harder to my sensitive, excitable…



Nadia Lelutiu
The Startup

Science, psychology, personal growth. Helpful humanist. MSc (Neuroscience/Psychology), MBA