Does Your Business Need Email Marketing? 9 Things To Consider Before Starting

It might make you lose money

Adete Dahiya
The Startup


Photo by Mia Baker on Unsplash

Ah! The email list — the single most important tool in today’s marketing landscape that can make everyone a millionaire. At least, that’s what everyone is saying.

As a solopreneur who has been building an email list for about 8 months, I’ve come to realize a few things about this “wonderful” marketing solution that most internet articles seem to gloss over. Collecting emails from your audience and even sending out regular newsletters doesn’t necessarily guarantee any success or sales. I had a workshop on content strategy for social media a couple of months back and I got a total of two sales from my list of 550 people at that time.

Yes, email marketing can definitely be profitable. But have you considered what that requires? You need the perfect combination of a great product or service at the right price, being sold in the ideal market with the ideal copy and appropriate sequencing.

So, if you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or solopreneur like me, who is on the verge of starting their own email marketing service, here is what you need to look out for:

Consider all other marketing channels before zeroing in on this



Adete Dahiya
The Startup

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