Don’t Be in a Rush to Grow up Quickly

Adults pay to seek out their childhood again and even rats laugh when tickled

Erik Brown
The Startup


Photo by Lorene Farrugia on Unsplash

I remember vividly as a kid looking forward to growing up. A day in the future where my bedtime wasn’t set by someone else was so appealing. Limits appeared to me everywhere because of my age.

I’d hear these phrases endlessly:

  • ”You have to be ‘x’ age to get on this ride.”
  • “You’ll understand when you’re older”.
  • “When you have your own money and own house you can make the rules.”
  • “You’re going to school whether you want to or not.”

As a kid, I figured being an adult would be a time when I’d constantly smash through limits. A strange kind of freedom would envelop me. I’d get to go wherever I want and do whatever I want.

The never-ending mantra of “you can’t” and “do this” would go away forever. It would be a new world of happiness and open possibilities.

You know how kids see things. They live in a simple world where fairy tales and cartoons are a reality. What Disney films and animation never quite explain though is consequences and tradeoffs.

Adulthood would bring freedom to do many things. But, you exchange something for each…

