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Don’t be the software developer you hate to work with

Be good for yourself, your career and others

Bruce Flow
Published in
8 min readNov 30, 2018


I have more than 10 years of industry experience as a software developer. I have also worked as a Scrum Master in multiple projects. Currently, I work at one of the largest tech companies.

By no stretch of the imagination am I the most experienced or the most adept developer out there. Yet, I have worked with enough software developers to recognize that I enjoy working with certain developers much more than with others.

The developers that I enjoy working with are the ones that collaborate well with me. They are professional yet pleasant. Their friendly competition pushes me to be better every day.

And there are developers that annoy the heck out of me.

I did a breakdown of the characteristics of these difficult developers. It is not a list of rants. I made the list to learn from it for my own personal development. I also use the list to check myself from time to time as a means of professional self-reflection.

The following is a list of annoying things software developers do. For every characteristic, I include suggestions of what we can do instead.

Annoyance #1: Having sloppy craftsmanship



Bruce Flow
The Startup

Polymath by calling. Software developer by profession. Student of the mind by nature.