Don’t Get Out of Your Comfort Zone — Stretch It

How to stick with healthier habits for good

Paul Keefe
The Startup


“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.”

— Mark Twain

Looking back on my health journey, it was — and continues to be — a constant stretching of my comfort zone. It’s really been about learning how to do something just a little bit better, or trying to do just a little bit more of something positive.

The times that I have felt the most overwhelmed have been when I attempted tasks completely outside of my comfort zone.

I started to wonder why this occurs. Then I looked at the clients I have trained in the past and noticed similar patterns. The second myself, or my clients started to do something drastically different in their life — like ask for a meal plan when they didn’t even know how to plan or prep a meal — things got out of hand.

The answer eventually came to me through some trial and error. But also through a coaching certification program I went through years ago from Precision Nutrition.

It really came down to this concept of skills and systems.

When you go to school, you aren’t just handed your high school diploma. Although that’d be pretty…



Paul Keefe
The Startup

A Canadian wellness coach starting deeper conversations around mindset and well-being /