Don’t hate me, I’m an entrepreneur

2 min readSep 8, 2017


Three things people hate about working with entrepreneurs…

  1. We are cheap, it’s not personal, but we need $$$ to survive. It doesn’t mean we don’t value you, or value your work, or think it worth what you are charging. It’s not personal — seriously. But every dollar out of our pocket is a dollar we may need to stay alive in the future and that is a scary thing to let go of — you feel me?
  2. We ask dumb questions, and lots of them. We are forging our path, one we haven’t traveled before and the only way to that well, is to ask lots of questions, gather lots of information, and try to make the best decisions we can. It may feel like the Spanish inquisition to you, but to us we are just trying to soothe our constant anxiety and do the best we can
  3. Things change constantly, all the time. What we wanted yesterday, is not want today. We are constantly, evolving, learning, changing, adapting all the time. We ride the sea of change, and actually drive it most of the time. It’s best to just go along for the ride.

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