Don’t Have This Mindset If You Want to Be a Writer

You’re setting yourself up for failure.

Nicole Kenney
The Startup


Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash

Writing is easily one of the most versatile skills you can use to go into all different kinds of careers. From blogging, to freelance, to authors, to ghost writing or copywriting, there is truly more jobs than meets the eye to most people. But what’s more important than the kind of writing career you may want to pursue, is having a plan of how you’re going to get there.

I go to a liberal arts college, and I have classmates and friends who are studying creative writing or journalism in hopes of making writing their full time income when they graduate. Since college is such a trivial time in life where many people are finding themselves, I have come across all different kinds of people. I have a friend in the English program at my school, and he studies with a girl in the same program who is hoping to become a famous author. Of course, as writers that’s the best and ultimate outcome that could happen to any of us. That’s not the issue in regards to her mindset, her problem is the plan she has in place for it.

Her path to becoming a successful and well known writer was simply this:

“I’m in the middle of writing an e-book I’m going to publish online. After that, I’m just hoping it goes viral and turns into a Netflix…



Nicole Kenney
The Startup

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