Don’t Let Overwhelm Steal Your Joy

How I Learned to Combat Exhaustion and Overwhelm with These Specific Steps

Sandy Peckinpah
The Startup
Published in
11 min readOct 14, 2018


Businesswoman working late in office @ DmitryPoch

The first time I picked up Brendan Burchard’s, “High Performance Habits,” I couldn’t finish it. I got one chapter in, and bailed.

I wanted to be up for the task, but the truth is, at that point I was exhausted.

A week ago, I’d run out of creative and emotional fuel. I couldn’t think of a darn thing to write about, let alone work on my website or the next email.

Reading has always been my motivational refuel, but I hadn’t read a book in months. My father died 4 months ago, and grief took away my ability to focus.

Having experienced a lot of loss in my life, I learned long ago the world doesn’t wait for you to finish grieving. In fact, grief has no timetable at all, but your business requires your attention, no matter what.

I stared at the stack of books in my bookcase, and High Performance Habits was at the bottom of the stack. I felt a nudge to pick it up, but avoided it, even going online to Amazon to search for something else. Two-day shipping seemed like an eternity because quite frankly, I felt mentally starved at that very moment.



Sandy Peckinpah
The Startup

Write to be happy. Author, Blogger, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, on Medium since 2016.