Don’t Make A Single New Year’s Resolution for 2020! (Do this instead.)

You’re better than a “new year, new you” mindset.

Mato C. Lawrence
The Startup


Image designed by Fantasy & Coffee Design

Ah, yes the time of year where you tell yourself — this is it, 2020 will be my year. I’m going to lose twenty pounds, meet the human of my dreams, and demand that promotion. 2020 — new year, new me.

And then, you’re pretty on top of it for like a month or two and then by 2021, you’ll make yourself all the same promises that you just won’t keep.

Honestly, we’re not being very fair to ourselves, are we?

It’s Time to Ditch Your Resolutions Like A Bad Date!

Seriously, your resolutions keep yammering on but never doing anything, and to be honest, they make you uncomfortable anyway, so ditch ‘um!

There is just no point anymore. Resolutions are a waste of your time and mental energy. You could be doing so much more. They’re like the diet plan of goals, and diets are prone to not working — it’s all about the lifestyle change!

I think you and I both know that Kim Kardashian and Elon Musk didn’t get their wealth by making a New Year’s Resolution — not that you should put your sex tape out, I’m just making an example here.



Mato C. Lawrence
The Startup

Former HuffPost writer, Professional Author & Graphic Designer, BA in English & Graphic Design.