Don’t Rush Yourself Out of Employment to Start Your Own Thing, Do This Instead

You’re free from the self-employed pressures, so take your time to prepare

Laura Bosch
The Startup


Photo by Surface on Unsplash

“To achieve financial freedom.”

“To control my time and schedule.”

“To leave behind a legacy.”

“To provide for my family.”

“To provide a solution to a real problem.”

“To not have to report to anyone else.”

“To own something I built from nothing.”

“To become rich.”

“To change the world.”

These are some of the popular reasons why creators jump into self-employment or entrepreneurship.

One of my current projects involves curating the homepage of an online community of independent creators. A platform where startups, freelancers, developers, and entrepreneurs share their experiences, advice, and frustrations.

Some people seem to have an inherent itch to create something like it’s something they were born with. I used to write short stories, put on plays with my cousins, and sell homemade “perfumes” and friendship bracelets to pedestrians who walked down my street. Ever since I can remember I’ve had an urge to make…



Laura Bosch
The Startup

Candid stories and actionable insights about work and life to help you navigate adulthood and embrace a life in limbo.