“Don’t Talk About Politics”

Why We Should Be Questioning This Advice

R. Shawn McBride
The Startup


Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay.

Here in America we are a very political country. In the 250 years or so that this country has existed politics has been critical to the development of America.

From the American Revolution and departure from Britain to the Louisiana Purchase leading to the sea-to-shining-sea movement to world wars politics is always there somewhere.

Political discourse was part of early American life. Many papers were published and much discussion was had over the future of this country.

But somehow, over time, it became more and more “polite” to not discuss politics. It’s gotten to the point where people say “don’t discuss politics.” Or “I hate seeing politics on Facebook.”

And I get it. Politics is a highly personal and highly divisive topic. It can be uncomfortable. It can end friendships. A recent post of mine on Facebook had a “friend” tell me they would no longer be following my posts due to my viewpoints.

Despite all this discomfort I disagree with the apparently majority. I think it is high time we do talk about politics. I think there are very important reasons we do.

Some of the reasons might not surprise you. But some of them may. My work as a business ownership lawyer that studies…



R. Shawn McBride
The Startup

The Planning Done Right Guy(TM) — focus: The Future of Business — host of The Future Done Right(TM) Show on YouTube. https://linktr.ee/ourshawnmcbride