Don’t Waste the Time Before 9 A.M. on Jerks Who Live Rent-Free in Your Head

This is how to not give a f … fudge.

Tim Denning
The Startup
Published in
4 min readApr 8, 2021


Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

The hardest part about creating anything in this world is the jerks. They squat upstairs in your head living rent-free.

A friend introduced this idea to me when he sent an email that read, “Not giving a Fudge: Sam Altman post on Twitter.”

I thought about how my best work is done before 9 A.M. Previously, I used to waste those precious morning hours on jerks who would leave me nasty comments on social media. They got to hijack my mornings for free. Their comments ruined the rest of my day. Once you’ve been told you’re an a-hole enough times before 9 A.M., as bulletproof as you can be, eventually it has an effect on you.

One jerk I used to let live rent-free in my head was a bad boss.

“Business is war. We need wartime leaders. Not softcore pussies.”

That’s what he said like an Army General to another colleague of mine. Naturally, they told me what he said. I knew it wouldn’t be long until the day of reckoning would come. Shortly after, he fired me. I couldn’t let his critiques go. “Softcore Pussy? I’ll show him.”

My anger actually propelled me forward. I went on LinkedIn and shared my story of being fired…



Tim Denning
The Startup

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