Drag and Drop File Uploader using Dropzone Library and Vue Component — Laravel

Cerwyn Cahyono
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJun 14, 2020


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Building such a complicated form on your website requires an understanding of how to implement various elements in a form. The fundamental elements that can be found in almost every form are the input, checkbox, and radio button elements. But let’s say you have a Blog app and need to build a form where you can create a post there. Also, you
need a file uploader element to upload an image to become the featured image of the post. Or, you need to create a file uploader for your users so that they able to upload some files to your website. So, what’re you thinking? Maybe you feel that the file uploader is an uncommon element because we rarely used it. Even more, implementing the drag and drop feature in a file uploader is very complex and needs deep understanding. If you think that, then you’ve come to the right post! This post will show you how to create a file uploader using the Dropzone library with the drag and drop feature and integrate it with the Vue component. And you know what, it’s not that difficult!

The question that may appear in your thoughts is why we’re using the Dropzone library? Dropzone is a great library where it already gives us such beautiful style and highly configurable. From the official documentation, it’s clearly stated that:



Cerwyn Cahyono
The Startup

PHP/Backend Engineer at Undercurrent Capital Pte Ltd — Data Science Enthusiast