Dread your daily commute to work?

6 min readNov 6, 2019


Cruise through with this survival guide…..

Photo by Ashish Mehta on Unsplash

“Terrible”, “Hell”, “Frustrating”- these are common words when we think of our daily commute. With an increase in the working population, the daily commute to work in most of the Indian cities has been getting longer. According to a report by MoveInSync, people in India spend more time in daily office commute than people in most countries in the world, with more than 2 hours on the road every day.

While most of us struggle with time management and wish we had more than 24 hours in a day, this “dead time” is a complete waste. Commuting is such an inevitable routine of our lives, that most of the times we do not even think about what it could offer us. Long hours of commuting can be mind numbing and dull leading to unnecessary stress and depression. The best way to deal with this integral part of our lives is to turn yourself into a happy commuter!

Relax, de stress and make your daily commute productive. How? Well, here are a few ideas, tried and tested!

(Ideas that involve visual attention, are not suitable for those who drive to work. Don’t feel left out, read on, there’s something for everybody.)

Binge Watch on the Go

With the rise of OTT video platforms, access to all kinds of international and domestic content has been like never. We love to binge watch but is it worth it? Remember, the last time when you were up all night, catching up on “Game of Thrones”, and you were a mess at work in the morning! It’s not about a single day, but it comes with pro longed health concerns too.

According to a 2017 study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, avid binge-watchers reported poor sleep quality, increased fatigue and more insomnia symptoms.

No matter how long the commute is, it always has an end time. Binge watching while commuting is an ideal way to disconnect, get some downtime, and the health risks are far lesser than binge watching at home. So, the next time you are on a long commute, get your headphones on and catch up on favorite show!

Podcasts & Audio books

Though podcasts and audio books are for all, but for those who drive through long commutes, this is the best way to use your time effectively. Podcasts cover various topics, so there is always something you can find that may interest you. Podcasts and audio books also help in improving your listening skills, focus and attention span.

Though music is the most preferred audio to sail through the daily commute, conversations are far more engaging than listening to the same playlists every day. So next time you are commuting, just pick your genre and block the all unnecessary frustration that comes with driving and commuting.

Digital Learning

Digital learning is not a way of learning but “the way of learning”. In this competitive world, turning obsolete is not an option anymore, you need to update your skills every now and then. E-learning is a great way to ensure personal as well as professional growth.

According to a report by KPMG, the Indian online education industry will grow from 1.6 million users in 2016 to 9.6 million users by 2021.

Use your long commute to do that course you had been thinking of doing for a long time. With a significant number of e-learning apps available, you can have your classroom wherever and whenever.

Turn this boring time to learn a new language, get a course in digital marketing or for that matter, you can even learn to cook! Learning has no boundaries and owing to an increase in demand, online learning spaces are even moving into regional markets by releasing videos in regional languages.

On an average, Indians spend 7% of their day in commuting to office, averaging less than 3 minutes per kilometre. (source: ‘Travel Time Report Q1 2019 vs Q1 2108’)

Create a Journal

Journaling is a great outlet for processing emotions and raising self-awareness. Studies have shown that the emotional release from journaling not only reduces stress and anxiety, but also improves physical health by strengthening immune cells.

So, the next time when you have random thoughts about life, your dreams or goals, your daily issues or even the person sitting in front of you (there’s no shame in that), just pen them down. Apart from improving your overall health, who knows you may be writing the next bestseller😊

If you drive to work, you could do the same by creating an audio journal. Just hit the voice recorder and let the thoughts flow, speak your heart out, no one’s judging.

Online Shopping

After a tiring day at work, making a trip to the grocery store further adds to the stress. With a rise in the number of grocery apps in India, you can use your commute time to shop anytime and arrange for delivery at your doorstep at your convenience.

With deeper market penetration in urban as well as tier2& 3 cities by players like Amazon, FlipKart, Myntra, and others, offering flexible payment options, great prices and easy returns, we are spoilt for options. Shopping can be a real pain especially during holidays and the festive season, make use of the dead commute hour to shop online and get it checked off your to do list.

Catch up on “actual” reading

Not a fan of small screens or too tired of staring at a screen all day? Reading a physical print can be very refreshing. No matter how much technology takes over our lives, there is nothing more relaxing than the fragrance of paper.

Your daily commute gives you enough time and space to indulge into some “real” reading, which is better for the brain and easier on the eyes.

Organize your life

Organization is the key to productivity. Use your commute time to set up reminders, update your calendar, schedule meetings, draft emails, pay your bills and write your to do list. There are several apps that can help you organize, prioritize and stay focused.

Socialize and Network

The use of public transport is a great way to socialize and catch up. Make use of this time and call that friend or relative, you have been meaning to catch up with for long. Just make sure you are not too loud and annoying to fellow passengers.

Also, your commute serves as a great opportunity to network and build your social capital. Though most evening commuters prefer solitary time, there is still a high likelihood that people will respond to a friendly conversation. Put your networking skills to practice, begin with a brief statement about the weather, or how unusually crowded it is or even better, complement the person sitting next to you on their outfit. You will be surprised how a small conversation can sometimes lead to bigger associations.

Treat Yourself

An evening snack is something most of us crave for, snack on something you love. You got through the day; you deserve it! If you are watching the calories, dark chocolate is your best bet.

Chocolate with high concentrations (at least 70 percent) of cacao has been shown to have positive effects on stress, inflammation, and mood.

A calm, quiet mind is a happy and healthy mind! Spending your commute time productively is a great way to disconnect yourself. When you reach home, rejuvenated and de-stressed, you are happier, satisfied and more pleasant with your loved ones. Don’t just be a commuter, Be a Happy Commuter!




A marketing professional,budding podcaster, blogger and a work-in-progress…forever!Have a career, a family, few friends, a free mind and lots to say!