Driving Efficiency at Work

Rachel Leidenfrost
The Startup
Published in
7 min readOct 20, 2019


Re-claim your time and your life

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Most — maybe all — companies are trying to be more efficient, to do more with less. Doing more work with fewer people places a strain on all of us as employees, managers or business owners. It can make it more difficult to do your best work, cause spikes in stress and anxiety, and lead to more hours at work.

More hours at work…. Think about what that means. It may mean less time with family, less time for wellness activities like exercise, and less time for your personal goals. Are you okay with that? Or would you like to find ways to re-claim more of your time?

I’m pretty lucky. I have a job I love, working with people and a mission I care about. And, I’m naturally efficient, a skill I’ve honed relentlessly over the years. I’m so efficient that a few years ago my boss asked me to present about time management and efficiency at a state conference — which led to more requests for presentations and even a tongue-in-cheek job offer. But I firmly believe efficiency is like a muscle — it’s something that ANYONE can build and exercise.

Let’s look at some ways that you can be more efficient.

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Rachel Leidenfrost
The Startup

Fiction writer, project manager and communications consultant. Always ready for an adventure. A strong believer in the power of following one’s dreams!