During COVID-19, It’s Okay to Help People and Still Make Money

People are still paying Amazon. Give them more opportunities to pay you to help them.

Bianca Bass
The Startup


Credit: Allie Smith via Unsplash

Ok, real talk: if you’re a small business right now, COVID-19 is especially exhausting.

Everyone’s talking about offering free tutorials and video meetups and content marketing you need to be doing NOW and… woah.

Let’s stop for a second.


As a marketing and communications consultant, here’s one thing I know for sure: these panic content marketing strategies? They’re too much. They’re cognitive clutter. And, most importantly of all, they’re potentially detrimental to your business.

Now, don’t get me wrong: brand empathy has, arguably, never mattered more. We need to care about our customers more than ever. Nobody wants to come across as a crisis capitalist, right?

But if you’re a small business who’s worried about paying the bills, it’s ok to give people opportunities to actually pay for your skills, too. You don’t need to invest all of your time in creating free content. Trust me.

Instead, you need to focus on offering your services and products in ways that actually…



Bianca Bass
The Startup

British-Brazilian writer and marketer sharing ideas on better communication, creativity and personal development. ✨