Easter Egg Hunt — Tech Edition

Adi S
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2019


As your knowledge with programming increases and you start developing amazing programs, websites, etc., you may want to hide messages or inside jokes in your software.

In programming these are called “Easter Eggs.” It is a hidden message, joke or secret feature found in programs, websites, video games, movies, even comic books!

Easter Eggs in software originated back in 1979, for a video game on Atari called Adventure. Back then, Atari did not include any of the developers’ names in the credits. Atari thought their competitors would steal their developers. A programmer named Warren Robinett did not appreciate this lack of recognition and decided to hide a message in the game. If a player moved their avatar over a specific pixel it would display the message “Created by Warren Robinett.” When Robinett left Atari he never let them know he did this and it was eventually found by a user. But Atari kept it in the game because #1 it was too costly to remove and #2 Atari wanted to encourage hiding messages in the program so users could find them (Easter Egg Hunt).

I mentioned earlier Easter Eggs are found across many different platforms. I will show you some below and let you hunt for the rest.

OS X Terminal

