Empower Data Owners to become a Data-Driven Enterprise

A detailed look at the missing Data Owner role that keeps organizations from becoming data driven.

Ryan Gross
The Startup


In a discussion with a colleague recently, I learned about an interesting paradox. Despite the massive rise in the amount of data generated, captured, stored, and analyzed (IDC Claims we will have 175 trillion gigabytes in 5 years), and the multi-trillion-dollar analytics valuations from Gartner & McKinsey, every year business leaders claim that their organizations are less and less data-driven. Executives consistently cite people and process issues as the primary blocker, with only a small percentage citing technology. This begs the question: what is stopping organizations from using technology to enable people and process changes that make organizations more data-driven?

Your data & analytics team is probably running like a recycling plant

Image Source: US Air Force

The challenges facing organizations as they seek to become data driven are in many ways similar to the problems that have faced the recycling industry in recent years. The costs of producing something usable are extremely high due to high cost of cleaning up the mixed mess of bagged plastic, cardboard, trash, and metals that is dumped onto the recycling…



Ryan Gross
The Startup

Emerging Tech & Data Leader at Credera | Interested in how people & machines learn, and how to bring them together.