End This Political Temper Tantrum and Start the Damn Trial

David John Goehst
3 min readDec 30, 2019


Here’s your venue. Can we get on with the trial?

Regardless which side of the fence your political views reside, this impeachment ordeal is huge. For Democrats, it all boils down to “reversing” the outcome of the 2016 election; for Republicans, it’s hard to tell what motivation they have (apart from vindicating their fearless leader) for wanting a trial.

As an American who pledges allegiance to the flag, eats his vegetables and harbors no ill will toward any party, I just want this to end.

Twitter users engage in verbal beat-downs of their opposing parties around the clock. Facebook memes flood my timeline like wildfire as Speaker Pelosi continues her holdout in hopes of getting a fair trial in a GOP-led Senate. News outlets continue posting click-bait titles in hopes of generating readership, ad revenue and popularity. Americans, it seems, are engaging in some form of political verbal warfare on a daily basis — Reddit’s Politics subreddit proves this.

Polls are exploding with figures seemingly plucked out of thin air. I mean, seriously, in my 31 years of being a legal voter, I have never been asked what I think of our economy, impeachment or politics in general. Somehow, I doubt you (the one reading this) have been asked, either.

Above all the polls, bickering and media brouhaha are the American people. Hard-working, kind, loving men and women who want only to wake up to their respective local news channels to get travel reports, see if their sports team won that late night game, and what intriguing tips they can take with them as they head to work.

Instead, these fine folks get their ears filled with gerrymandering, rage Tweeting and threats coming from officials elected to “look out for the best interests of Americans”. They wake up to grown children — ones they elected to their respective offices — fighting over who has the shiniest toy.

It’s getting old.

I get it. Politicians love playing chess with the opposite party. Every year before Election Tuesday, they love whipping up last-minute quid pro quos to make Americans think they “worked hard over several weeks to find an amicable starting or ending point” to whatever campaign promise they’ve held onto for that year. However, it’s time to stop the bellyaching and get on with the show; after all, the media seems to already know the outcome of a Senate trial that is yet to start.

Not one party or politician is above the other; they are American people just like you and me. Why has this fact eluded the American people for so long? Why are we so enamored by this multi-party temper tantrum? It’s the furthest thing from entertainment I’ve ever experienced.

Just get on with this damn trial so the media can quit speculating, click-baiting and verbally ejaculating all over my television set. If the man is truly guilty, I believe his guilt will remove him from office; if not, it’s the sole responsibility of the American people to decide his fate in 2020.

If the evidence is as damning as the Democrats keep stressing it is, who cares what “managers” they send? Are they not trained to litigate regardless what facts they have to work with?

If the President is truly innocent, why not meet the Speaker’s concessions and begin planning his defense?

Whatever the case may be, end this damn whinefest and get on with this trial. I speak for many friends who are equally tired of hearing nonstop, mindless drivel about what Mitch is doing, or what Nancy isn’t.



David John Goehst

Word craftsman. Fisherman. Cubs fan. Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Others call me the gangster of love.